About Shared Sites

What is a shared site?

Previously referred to as Group Atlas Sites, a shared site is registered site location which other birdwatchers can visit, to optimise the amount of data that can be generated at individual sites.

Click on an individual site to view all the information you need to know — the site’s co-ordinates, a mud-map with the site’s boundaries, directions of how to get there, instructions on the preferred method of surveying (e.g. 2-ha, 20 min search), and a list of the species recorded there.

Registering a new shared site

To register a shared site please contact birdata@birdlife.org.au and provide the following details:

  • A GIS shapefile or GPS co-ordinates of the site
  • A mud map of the site, showing its boundaries, and it should include instructions on how to get there
  • A description of the site, and mention any special survey characteristics, such as if the site is a wader roost
  • Instructions on the required survey method to be used at the site
  • Who owns the land the site is on; are there any visiting restrictions and is special permission required? If so, provide contact details.

This information will be included on the Birdata website to enable other people to visit the site and conduct surveys there, so, when compiling the information, put yourself into the shoes of a stranger to make sure that a future visit by others will be as painless as possible.

Considerations when choosing a site

Choose your site so that it is representative of the particular habitat you are surveying. Avoid mixing habitat types in the search area. Though it is tempting, do not automatically select a site which you think will yield the most birds, and try to introduce a degree of randomness into your site selection.

Select the most suitable survey type for the aim of the monitoring.

Remember your site is part of a greater network of sites we use to produce research such as population indices so consider how your site will fit into regional/national monitoring. If possible choose s standardised survey type so your site monitoring is comparable with other sites in your loal area, region or Australia.